SRC: X16-96076
Jan 12, 2016
Here are the ISO images available for the X16-96076 release. Download the X16-96076 ISO, the Windows 7 Service Pack 1 ISO and Windows 7 Enterprise Edition ISO from the link below.
It is a legitimate Windows 7 ISO file for the X16-96076. To download the ISO, you need a serial number that is valid for Windows 7 Pro SP1.
Jan 13, 2016
Most of the current Microsoft official iso downloads are having checkums errors. I see that it is a legitimate ISO file, but I was unable to install it.
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Windows 7 ISO download for those without a valid windows. Also, what are your thoughts on grabbing a legitimate.
x16 96076 iso rapidshare
SRC: X16-96076
Jan 24, 2016
The link you provided does not allow ISO downloads for Upgrade keys, MSDN keys, product keys for pre-installed media or Enterprise edition .
Jan 28, 2016
According to the previous post on this thread, I have downloaded the X16-96076 ISO file and it works well.
This thread is for the new (16-03) Windows 7 Service Pack 1. In the original thread, they also suggested downloading the x16-96076.iso file, and it is a viable option.
Feb 8, 2016
I wanted to make sure that the X16-96076 ISO that I downloaded is a valid ISO.
Feb 18, 2016
I just wanted to let everyone know that I have not received any word back from Microsoft regarding the status of my Windows 7 ISO.
Feb 18, 2016
X16-96076 is a legitimate Windows 7 Service Pack 1. I downloaded it from several different websites, but all of them had a checkums error.
Feb 18, 2016
In the original thread, I mentioned downloading the X16-96076.iso file, and it works well. I downloaded it from more than a few different websites, all of which had a checkums error.
Feb 18, 2016
According to the previous post on this thread, I have downloaded the X16-96076 ISO file and it works well.
Feb 18, 2016
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