Stata 12 is, officially released by STATA Corporation on August 22,.
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Stata 12 is a Data Analysis and Statistical Programming Software released by STATA Corp.
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Stata 12 is the latest version of Stata, a statistical programming language.
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The aim of this study was to measure pornography addiction among university students in Saudi Arabia (SA) and determine its correlates. A survey was administered to students at King Khalid University, and data were analyzed using SPSS Version 25. Of the 1526 participants, 77.8% had used Internet pornography at least once in their lifetime, and 46.8% in the past year. The most common reasons for seeking pornography were to relieve stress, as a source of entertainment, to test their limits, and to practice masturbation. The majority of the participants (56.6%) had more than one reason for seeking pornography, and the most common reason for using it (80.2%) was to relieve stress. Most of the participants (72.1%) consumed pornography less than 2 hours a day, and 47.9% reported seeking it more than 3 hours a day. The majority of the participants (65.3%) reported weekly or less use, whereas 28.2% reported daily use. Males were more likely to use Internet pornography than females. Those who reported their father as the most important influence were less likely to have pornography addiction than those who reported their mother. The majority of the participants (71.9%) had not tried any other substances than alcohol. The prevalence of Internet pornography addiction among university students in SA was high. Health professionals and educators should be educated about the harmful effects of Internet pornography and its potential for developing sex addiction among Saudi university students.Volunteers Build Stuffed Ducks
By: Jan McAllister | 03.16.2015
Stuffed animals are a great way to make a holiday statement. (Photo: Andrew Toth / Flickr)
At the first ever Littleton Stuffed Animal Builders Festival, the community came together to make stuffed animals for orphaned children in other countries. (Photo: Andrew Toth / Flickr)
Volunteers ac619d1d87
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